granulocyte - granular WBC, hematologist - one who specializes in blood, hyperlipidemia - pathological condition of excessive amounts of fat in the blood, vasculitis - inflammation of the blood vessels, erythropoietin - hormone that stimulates the production of RBCS, anisocytosis - condition in which the erythrocytes are unequal in size and shape, coagulable - capable of forming a clot, erythrocytosis - abnormal condition in where there is an increase in production of RBCs, hematoma - collection of blood that has escaped from a blood vessel into the surrounding tissues, leukapheresis - separation of WBCs from the blood, pancytopenia - lack of the cellular elements of the blood, splenomegaly - abnormal enlargement of the spleen, thrombosis - formation, development of a blood clot in the vascular system,

Phlebotomy Med Term #2


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