1) What are the main factors that cause climate change? a) Rise of CO2 b) Afforestation c) Electric vehicles d) Photosynthesis 2) what are the consequences of climate change? a) Global Warming b) Rise of oxygen c) Photosynthesis d) Afforestation 3) What is the meaning of climate change? a) Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that define Earth's local, regional and global climates. b) Climate change is not a long-term change in the average weather patterns that define Earth's local, regional and global climates. 4) How is global warming generated? a) Rise of CO2 b) Rise of Oxygen c) Rise of Hydrogen d) Rise of Nitrogen 5) What is stomata? a) Stomata are tiny openings or pores in plant tissue that allow for gas exchange. b) Stomata don't have tiny openings or pores in plant tissue that allow for gas exchange. 6) What is Photosynthesis? a) The process of plants absorbing CO2 and releasing Oxygen b) The process of plants absorbing Oxygen and releasing CO2 c) Process of plants absorbing nitrogen and releasing CO2 d) Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants and other organisms utilize sunlight to produce nutrients from carbon dioxide and water, primarily using chlorophyll pigment. 7) How to stop global warming? a) By using electric vehicles b) Cutting down trees for farming 8) What is the primary pigment involved in photosynthesis and what is its role? a) Chlorophyll - Captures light energy b) Carotenoids - Transfers electrons c) Phycobilins - Stores energy 9) Name those structures which help plants make their own food. a) Stomata b) Chlorophyll

Climate Change and Photosynthesis


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