stimulate - to encourage or provoke a response or action, hunger - The feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, strength - The physical or mental power to perform tasks or overcome obstacles, strategy - A plan or method designed to achieve a specific goal, convince - To persuade or make someone believe or agree with something, element - A fundamental or essential part of something, market - To organise the sale of something, appeal - To attract or interest someone, target - To aim or direct efforts towards a specific goal or audience, grain - A small, hard seed or particle of a cereal cropgrain, guideline - A recommended or suggested rule or principle, modernize - To update or bring up to date with current trends or technologyguideline, protein - A macronutrient essential for the growth and repair of body tissuesExplain this, recommend - To suggest or advise as the best course of action, regional - Relating to or characteristic of a particular region or area, source - The origin or cause of something, specific - Clearly defined or identified, varied - Having different forms or types,


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