Apollo 11 (1961) - 1st landing on the moon , Neil Armstrong - 1st person to set foot on the Moon, Challenger (1986) - Space shuttle carrying a teacher that exploded , New Horizons (2006) - Study Pluto and Kuiper Belt, Apollo 13 (1970) - Attempted lunar landing, ended up just flying by (the movie!), Pioneer 10 (1972) - 1st through the asteroid belt, 1st to fly by Jupiter, Mars Science Labratory Rover Mission (2011) - Study martian geology and climate, Viking 1 and 2 (1975) - Searching for life on Mars, Juno Mission (2011) - Study Jupiter, Deep Impact (2005) - Landed on a comet and studied it., Hubble Telescope Mission (1990) - Place the Hubble into orbit to study our expanding solar system., Apollo 8 (1968) - 1st spacecraft to ORBIT the moon,

Historical Space Missions


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