1) Many animal species are ..... threat due to the destruction of their natural habitats. a) in b) under c) below d) on 2) Environmentalists claim that mining in the area will ...... a risk to the surrounding ecosystem. a) create b) pose c) make d) have 3) The chemical leak ...... a devastating impact on the environment. a) made b) had c) put d) did 4) Many animal species are ....... the verge of extinction as a result of human activity. a) on b) at c) in d) to 5) Dinosaurs ...... out approximately 66 million years ago. a) went b) fell c) disappeared d) died 6) The Tasmanian Tiger was ....... out due to hunting. a) wiped b) fallen c) destroyed d) disappeared 7) The government should ....... a ban on single-use plastic bags. a) put b) create c) impose d) pose 8) Scientists warn that countries should not pursue economic growth at the ...... of the environment. a) toll b) price c) expense d) cost


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