adopted - A family where one or more children have been legally taken into care and raised by someone who is not their biological parent., extended - A family that includes relatives beyond the immediate family, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins., close-knit - A family where members have strong emotional bonds and spend a lot of time together., supportive - A family that provides emotional, physical, and financial assistance to its members., blended - A family formed by merging two previously separate families into one, typically involving a couple and their children from previous relationships., nuclear - A family consisting of parents (both or one) and their children, living together as a single unit., raise - The act of nurturing and bringing up children within a family, providing them with care and education., start - The process of establishing a family, typically involving getting married or having children., separate - A family where parents live apart and maintain individual households but continue to share responsibilities towards their children.,


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