creation of Azuay, Chimborazo, Guayas, Imbabura, Loja, Manabí an Pichincha provinces,during Gran Colombia. - 1824, Formation of Ecuador as an independent state. - 1830, Creation of Esmeraldas province - 1847, Creation of Cotopaxi Province - 1851, Creation of LOS RIOS province - 1860, Creation of Tungurahua Province - 1861, Creation of Cañar and Carchi provinces - 1880, Creation of Bolívar and El Oro provinces - 1884, Constitucion of Morona Santiago and Zamora Chinchipe province.  - 1952, Formation of Napo and Pastaza provinces - 1959, Creation of Galápagos province - 1973, Creation of Sucumbios province - 1989, Constition of Orellana province - 1998, Formation of Santa Elena and SANTO DOMINGO de los Tsahilas provinces - 2007,



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