1) What is used for the present continuous? a) For a situation that will be in progress at a particular time in the future. b) To indicate habits and routines, permanent emotions, general facts and actions or situations that are repeated. 2) Which sentence correctly uses the future continuous tense? a) A) She will cook dinner at 6 PM b) B) She will be cooking dinner at 6 PM c) C) She cooks dinner at 6 PM d) D) She will have cooked dinner at 6 PM 3) What will you be doing this time tomorrow? a) A) I will read a book b) B) I will be reading a book c) C) I read a book d) D) I am reading a book 4) By next year, what will you be studying at university? a) A) I study psychology b) B) I will study psychology c) C) I will be studying psychology d) D) I will have studied psychology 5) At 8 PM tonight, what will John be doing? a) A) He will play tennis b) B) He will be playing tennis c) C) He plays tennis d) D) He will have played tennis 6) What will they be discussing at the meeting tomorrow? a) A) They will discuss the new project b) B) They will be discussing the new project c) C) They are discussing the new project d) D) They have discussed the new project 7) Which form correctly completes the sentence: "This time next week, I ______ in Paris."? a) A) will be living b) B) will living c) C) am living d) D) will have been living 8) What will she be wearing at the party tonight? a) A) She will wear a red dress b) B) She is wearing a red dress c) C) She will be wearing a red dress d) D) She wears a red dress 9) At 9 AM tomorrow, what will the team be doing? a) A) The team will meet b) B) The team is meeting c) C) The team will be meeting d) D) The team meets 10) How will you be getting to work tomorrow? a) A) I will drive b) B) I will be driving c) C) I am driving d) D) I have driven 11) Which sentence correctly uses the future continuous tense? a) A) We will traveling to Japan next month b) B) We will be traveling to Japan next month c) C) We travel to Japan next month d) D) We are travel to Japan next month 12) What will your parents be doing this time next week? a) A) They will cook dinner b) B) They will be cooking dinner c) C) They cook dinner d) D) They will have cooked dinner 13) At this time tomorrow, what will you be working on? a) A) I will write a report b) B) I will be writing a report c) C) I write a report d) D) I will have written a report 14) What will your friends be watching on TV tonight? a) A) They will watch a movie b) B) They will be watching a movie c) C) They watching a movie d) D) They will have watched a movie 15) At 10 AM tomorrow, where will you be going? a) A) I will go to the gym b) B) I will be going to the gym c) C) I go to the gym d) D) I will have gone to the gym 16) By the end of next year, what will you be studying? a) A) I will study biology b) B) I will be studying biology c) C) I study biology d) D) I will have studied biology


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