Embarrased: Feeling anxious and shy in an unknown situation - Embarrased by ChatGPT: An adjective that describes a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness. This feeling can arise when someone perceives that they have made a mistake, done something socially inappropriate, or been placed in an uncomfortable situation., Kind: A subtle person who treats others with respect - Kind by ChatGPT: It refers to a person who behaves in a gentle or polite manner or who enjoys doing good deeds, or to the type of something that embodies these qualities., Scared: thrown into or being in a state of fear, fright, or panic - Scared by ChatGPT: The term "scared" typically refers to a feeling of fear, anxiety, or unease about something perceived as threatening, dangerous, or unknown., Determined: having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it. - Determined by ChatGPT: "Determined" typically refers to having a firmness of purpose or being resolute in achieving a particular goal or objective., Hope: to believe in better days for the future and that difficult situations will be improved. - Hope by ChatGPT: a profound feeling of optimism and expectation for a positive outcome or belief that circumstances will improve. It's the belief that even in difficult times, there is a possibility for things to get better., Motivated: very enthusiasticor determined because you really want to do something - Motivated by ChatGPT: "Motivated" describes a state of being driven or inspired to take action towards achieving a goal or fulfilling a desire., Happiness: an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. - Happiness by GhatGPT:Happiness is a complex and subjective experience that encompasses feelings of joy, contentment, fulfillment, and satisfaction.,


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