family - This is a 6 letter word and it includes your father, mother, brother etc, parents - They are your mother and father, grandmother - This person is your father's mother, mother - This person is your father's wife, sister - This person is your parent's daughter, uncle - This person is your mother's brother, grandfather - This person is your mother's father, aunt - This person is your father's sister, cousin - This person is your uncle's daughter , half brother - This person is your mother's son, but not your father's son, sister in law - This person is your wife's sister, mother in law - This person is your husband's mother, bride - This is a woman and she is at her wedding, groom - This is a man and he is at his wedding , boyfriend - This is someone you're dating and it's a man, godfather - This person is a man and it's who your parents chose to take care of you when it's necessary, godmother - This person is a woman and it's who your parents chose to take care of you when it's necessary, grandparents  - These people are your grandmother and grandfather, wife - This is a woman and I am married to her , husband - this is a man and I am married to him,

Family members - Crossword puzzle


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