Upton Sinclair - Wrote the book 'The Jungle' and investigated meat packing plants in Chicago, Jacob Riis - Wrote the book 'How the Other Half Lives' and explored tenements, Lewis Hine - Worked for the National Child Labor Committee exposing child labor, Jane Addams - Founder of the Hull House in Chicago, Lawrence Veiller - Worked towards the passage of the 1901 NY State Tenement House Act, Muckrakers - Journalists that exposed problems in society, Gilded Age - Period of time of massive inequality, problems beneath the surface, Tenement - Overcrowded, run down and unsanitary apartments, Reform - To improve something, change for the better, Activist - Someone who works for change, Poverty - The state of being extremely poor, Progressives - Activists during the Progressive Era, fighting for change, Pure Food and Drug Act - Legislation passed after Upton Sinclair exposed conditions in the meat packing plants, Pervasive - Widespread, Regulation - Government rule or law to oversee operations, Vulnerable - A person in need of special care or protection, likely to be taken advantage of,


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