complete snob - respecting only people of a high social class, be nasty about people - be unkind, bad, be a bit of a pain - used to describe a minor difficulty or annoyance, sheer arrogance - quality of being unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are more important than,other people, mess things up - to make mistakes when one is doing or making (something), have a stubborn streak - determined to do what they want and is very unwilling to change their mind, intense - these people are very serious and usually have strong emotions or opinions, willing - happy to do sth if it is needed, laid-back - relaxed in manner and character; not usually worried about other people’s behaviour or things that have to be done, slacker - a person who does not work hard enough, make up one's mind - to make a decision about something, go behind someone's back - to do something secretly or without getting someone's permission, often in order to deliberately upset them, undermine - to make someone less confident, less powerful, less likely to succeed, often gradually, take no notice - pay no attention to someone or something, bothered by criricism - concerned about something, stand up for something - defend them and make your feelings or opinions very clear, stick to your principles - remain firm in your beliefs or values, stick to one's guns - you continue to have your own opinion about something even though other people are trying to tell you that you are wrong, take things into one's stride - to deal with (something difficult or upsetting) in a calm way, be the centre of attention - the person, thing, or area that everyone nearby notices and watches, be prone to sth/to doing sth - you're likely to do it, have a habit of doing it, or are susceptible to it, susceptible - easily emotionally influenced or harmed by sth, suck up to smn - You say that when you do not like the fact that smn is trying to please the person because of the person's position, get ahead - get ahead (of somebody) ​to make progress (further than others have done), lighten up - to become more relaxed and less serious, back down - admit that you were wrong or that you have been defeated,

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