: Could you manage (live) for a week without your phone?, Do you ever get the chance to practise (speak) English outside class?, If you really hated your friend’s partner, would you pretend (like) him / her? , Is there any kind of housework you can’t stand (do)?, Would you ever risk (eat) something which was past its sell-by date? , Is there anything that you think you ought to give up (do)? , What kind of things do you tend (worry) about? , Did your parents let you (play) in the street when you were a child?, Do you have a good memory, or do you sometimes forget (do) things? , Is there a city or country that you really fancy (visit)?, Are there any apps you’d recommend (get)?, Would you prefer (spend) a week on the beach or a week in the country?,

6BA Communicative Gerund or Infinitive?


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