A breath of fresh air - Something or someone that is new and refreshing, often bringing a positive change., A drop in the ocean - A very small amount compared to what is needed or desired., A walk in the park - Something that is very easy to do or accomplish., As clear as mud - Very unclear or difficult to understand, Set in stone - Fixed and unchangeable., The tip of the iceberg - A small, visible part of a much larger problem or situation., Under the weather - Feeling ill or unwell., Up in the air - Uncertain or undecided., Have a sharp tongue - To be inclined to speak in a critical, harsh, or unkind manner., Have a way with words - To be skillful in choosing and using words effectively, often in a persuasive or eloquent manner., Talk someone's ear off - To talk to someone for a very long time, often in a way that is perceived as excessive or tiresome., Talk someone into something - To persuade or convince someone to do something.,

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