1) Name the three ear ossicles 2) What is the place of maturation of sperms? 3) What is diffusion 4) What is osmosis? 5) What is macula lutea? 6) Which hormones are produced by corpus luteum? 7) What is the place of fertilization? 8) Where is the bicuspid valve present? 9) What is the role of inguinal canal? 10) What is the structure that connects foetus to uterus? 11) Name the longest phase of the menstrual cycle. 12) Difference between photolysis and photophosphorylation 13) Name the accessory glands of male reproductive system 14) Name the process by which plants absorb water by surface attraction 15) What are hydathodes? 16) Give examples of two plants where you can see guttation. 17) What connects the two cerebral hemispheres? 18) Name the part that relays pain and pressure impulses to cerebrum. 19) The part of the brain that controls body temperature and pituitary.


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