肉 - ròu-meat, 月 - yuè -moon;month, 车 - chē -vehicle, 库 - kù-storehouse, 车库 - chē kù -garage, 衣 - yī -clothes, 裤子 - kù zi-pants;trousers, 家 - jiā -house;home, 安 - ān-safety;peace, 广 - guǎng-radical(roof);wide;broad, 天安门广场 - tiān ān mén guǎng chǎng-Tian'anMen Square , 厂 - chǎng -radical(cliff;roof);factory, 两 - liǎng -two of, 辆 - liàng -measure word for vehicles, 俩 - liǎ -colloquial equivalent of 两个, 你 - nǐ -you, 他 - tā -him, 们 - men-plural marker , 吃 - chī -to eat, 喝 - hē -to drink, 吗 - ma-question marker , 没 - méi -have not;did not, 游泳 - yóu yǒng -to swim;swimming, 朋友 - péng you -friend, 手 - shǒu-hand , 看 - kàn -to look;to watch;to see, 包 - bāo -bag;package(noun);to wrap(verb), 胞 - bāo-womb;born of the same parents, 足 - zú-foot;feet , 跑 - pǎo-to run,

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