1) Carbohydrates and fats are a) body building nutrients b) protects from diseases c) energy giving nutrients 2) The Human digestive system consists of group of organs that make up long digestive tract called alimentary canal. a) True  b) False 3) Tube extending from the mouth to the stomach and passes through the neck region at back is called a) Pharynx b) Oesophagus 4) Saliva, secreted by the salivary gland in the mouth contains enzyme called as a) Pepsin b) Salivary amylase c) Lipase d) Trypsin 5) Pepsin breaks down complex proteins into smaller protein molecules, called proteoses and peptones. a) True b) False 6) Carbohydrates are converted into amino acids. a) True  b) False 7) Tongue enables food to be mixed with saliva a) True b) False 8) Amylolytic enzymes acts on a) proteins b) lipids c) carbohydrates 9) When the body requires extra energy, the glycogen is converted back to glucouse. a) True b) False 10) Bloating nausea, vomiting, pain, and heartburn are common symptoms of digestion. a) True b) False 11) Digested food molecules are utilized for building new ________ for producing energy and for repair. a) Carbohydrates b) Protoplasm 12) ______________ detoxifies the blood of harmful substances such as alcohol. a) Liver b) Pancreas


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