3D Printer - Printer that allows one to create physical three-dimensional objects from designs created on a computer, Accelerometer - Input device in smartphones and tablets, used to detect which way around the device is held or how it is being moved, Application software - A group of programs that perform specific tasks for us as users, for example word processing programs., Archiving (files) - Making copies of files, where the copies are not meant to be accessed regularly but are kept for reference when needed., Aspect ratio - The relationship between the width and height of the display, e.g. 16:9., Backup - Making copies of files with the aim of having extra copies of the files in case the originals get lost or become damaged for one or another reason., Beta software - Versions of software, released by developers to be tested by the general public., Biometric identification - The use of technology that measures/scans something biologically unique to each person, such as a fingerprint or the pattern of the iris of an eye, for identification purposes., Boot - The term used to describe a computer’s start-up process., Bug - Mistake made by accident when the programmers wrote the software,

CAT Terminology Act1


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