1) I have a new book. I really like ___. a) it b) she c) c) he 2) Mary is my friend. I like ___. a) he b) her c) she 3) They are my parents. I visit ___ every weekend. a) them b) they c) their 4) Tom is a good student. The teacher helps ___ with his homework. a) him b) his c) he 5) The children are playing in the park. I can see ___ from my window. a) them b) they c) their 6) This is my cat. I feed ___ every morning. a) it b) she c) her 7) Sarah and I are friends. She often invites ___ to her house. a) me b) I c) my 8) My brother has a car. He drives ___ to work. a) it b) she c) her 9) I lost my keys. Can you help me find ___? a) them b) they c) their 10) We have a new teacher. Everyone likes ___. a) him b) he c) his

A1. Object Pronouns : Quiz


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