1) What does the 'C' in CRAAP stand for? a) Credibility b) Currency c) Citation d) Context 2) When evaluating the currency of a source, which of the following questions should you ask? a) Who is the author? b) When was the information published or updated? c) Is the information supported by evidence? d) What is the purpose of the information? 3) Which aspect of the CRAAP test concerns the importance of the information for your needs? a) Currency b) Relevance c) Authority d) Accuracy 4) Which question helps you assess the authority of a source? a) Is the information current? b) Does the information relate to your topic? c) Who is the author or publisher? d) What is the intended purpose of the information? 5) When considering the accuracy of a source, which of the following is important? a) The length of the article b) The qualifications of the author c) The presence of citations and references d) The number of images and charts 6) Which of the following questions is relevant to determining the purpose of a source? a) Is the information current? b) Does the author have credentials? c) Is the information relevant to your research? d) Does the source provide balanced and objective information? 7) You find an article published on a well-known news website last week. Which CRAAP criterion does this best satisfy? a) Currency b) Relevance c) Authority d) Accuracy 8) If a source is biased or presents information to persuade the reader, which CRAAP criterion might it fail? a) Currency b) Relevance c) Authority d) Purpose 9) Why is it important to consider the relevance of a source? a) To ensure the source is written by a credible author b) To ensure the source is up-to-date c) To ensure the source directly addresses your research question or needs d) To ensure the source is accurate and evidence-based 10) What does evaluating the accuracy of a source involve? a) Checking the date of publication b) Assessing the objectivity and evidence supporting the information c) Identifying the author’s qualifications d) Understanding the purpose behind the information


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