Jane is very upset with you. You didn't invite her for the weekend in your house in the mountains. - If you had invited Jane to your house in the mountains, she wouldn’t be upset with you now., Kim didn't take any pictures on her last holiday. She didn't have a good camera, poor thing. - If Kim had had a better camera, she would have taken pictures on her last holiday. , Keith invited 10 friends for dinner last night but he'd never cooked for so many people. He was desperate! - Keith wouldn’t have been so desperate if he had taken cooking classes before inviting 10 people to dinner., Amy was very upset. None of her friends remembered her birthday. - Amy wouldn’t have been upset if her friends had remembered her birthday., Charles didn't come to your party because he didn't know the address. - If Charles had known the address, he would have come to your party., Gregory didn't go home for Thanksgiving because he was short of money. - If Gregory had more money, he would have gone home for Thanksgiving., Joe said he went to visit you last Sunday but you weren't at home. - If you had been at home last Sunday, you would have been able to talk to Joe., Ray spent the whole weekend painting his apartment. No wonder he was exhausted on Monday! - If Ray hadn’t spent the whole weekend painting his apartment, he wouldn’t have been exhausted on Monday., Robin couldn't go to the dance last Friday because she didn't have anything nice to wear. - If Robin had had something nice to wear, she could have gone to the dance., Ray and Megan didn't go out to celebrate their wedding anniversary. They couldn't find a baby-sitter for their children. - If Ray and Megan had been able to find a babysitter, they could have gone out to celebrate their anniversary., The teacher needed the dictionary during the lesson. Unfortunately, you had taken it home, so she had to buy another one. - If you had remembered to return the dictionary, the teacher would have been able to use it during the lesson/wouldn’t have had to buy a new one., Betty couldn't go away for the weekend because she couldn't leave her pets alone. - If Betty didn’t have pets/could find a pet sitter, she would have been able to go away for the weekend.,

B2 - C1 Conditionals paraphrasing #1 (with answers)


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