1) The rate in which we measure motion. How fast or slow something is. a) velocity b) speed c) acceleration d) deceleration 2) A change in direction and speed a) deceleration b) speed c) acceleration d) velocity 3) The rate of which an object starts to move faster. It speeds up... a) acceleration b) deceleration c) velocity d) speed 4) The rate of which an object starts to move slower. It slows down... a) acceleration b) force c) velocity d) deceleration 5) Force that pulls everything down to the center of the Earth a) inertia b) force c) gravity d) weight 6) An object at rest will stay at rest. An object in motion will stay in motion until a force acts upon it. a) gravity b) weight c) momentum d) inertia 7) The force of gravity between Earth and an object. Different on each planet, moon, sun etc. a) balanced forces b) weight c) mass d) inertia 8) How much matter an object has. This does NOT change due to gravity. a) weight b) action c) balanced forces d) mass 9) The force with which an object responds to an action. a) reaction b) inertia c) action d) balanced forces 10) The force one object applies to a second object. a) reaction b) inertia c) action d) momentum 11) When forces are even or balanced out. The same amount of force being applied.   a) force b) balance c) unbalanced forces d) balanced forces 12) When forces are not even or balanced out. Different amounts of force being applied. a) force b) balance c) unbalanced forces d) balanced forces 13) Push, pull - one object causing another to change in motion. a) force b) balance c) unbalanced forces d) balanced forces 14) If I weigh 150 pounds on Earth...  a) I will weigh the same on the moon. b) I will weigh less on the moon. c) I will weigh more on the moon. 15) If my mass is 68 kilograms on Earth... a) My mass will be the same on the moon. b) My mass will be less on the moon. c) My mass will be more on the moon.

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