Yes, that's right. I'm talking to you. - This conversational statement has a strong impact on the reader because it confirms that the writer is talking to the reader. This makes the reader feel like the writer is reading their thoughts and responding to them., It may come as a bit of a surprise...  - The examples of unhealthy choices made by young people create humour in the text. The writer lists very typical food choices for young people, but describes them as ‘surprising’. This makes the reader focus on the choices young people make about their diet., This is a matter of life and death.  - This statement seems exaggerated and extreme at first, but the reader is forced to think about the consequences of poor diet on health by this understatement., ...Suffering from heart-related illnesses, diabetes and... Obesity.  - The writer gives three different examples of very serious conditions which can be caused by eating a bad diet. The writer implies that readers will think obesity is more serious than health conditions. This suggests that the writer does not respect readers’ priorities., Are you a sucker for Ronald McDonald’s charm? - The writer suggests that people who like McDonald’s have been tricked or deceived into doing so. This makes the reader feel like buying lots of fast food is a stupid thing to do., Quieten down, I can almost hear you shouting about the price of fruit from here - The writer uses an imperative verb to tell the reader to stop shouting in response to their previous paragraph. This makes the reader feel that the writer understands their objections to buying more fruit and vegetables., If you don’t choose healthy food for a healthier body or a healthier bank balance then choose it for a healthier mind. - The three examples show how healthy eating can have many positive benefits. This makes the reader feel that there are many worthwhile reasons for eating healthily, not just for physical health, but financially and mentally., The big one... Obesity - The writer uses a pun to create humour in the sentence and to connect with the reader.,

Eat Healthier - Match Impact


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