Vector - A DNA molecule used as a vehicle to transfer foreign genetic material into another cell., Plasmid - A small, circular DNA molecule found in bacteria that is often used as a vector in gene cloning., Ligase - An enzyme (such as T4 DNA ligase) that joins DNA fragments together by forming phosphodiester bonds., Restriction Enzyme - An enzyme that cuts DNA at specific recognition sites, producing fragments with sticky or blunt ends., Host Cell - The cell into which the recombinant DNA is introduced., Cloning Site - A specific location within a vector where foreign DNA can be inserted., Lysozyme - An enzyme that breaks down bacterial cell walls, often used in DNA extraction from bacteria., Dodecyl - Sodium ____ sulfate is used to break down the plasma membrane of cells., Chromatography - Ion Exchange _____ is a purification technique that separates molecules based on their net charge., AlkalineDenaturation - A method used to separate plasmid DNA from chromosomal DNA by increasing, then decreasing, the pH., Supercoiled - Plasmids are predominantly found in ____ form., Linearised - Bacterial chromosomal DNA becomes _____ after isolation.,

Gene Cloning (I)


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