Product - Something that is grown or made in a factory in large quantities, usually in order to be sold, Slogan - A short phrase that is easy to remember and is used in advertisements, or by politicians, organizations etc, Logo - A small design that is the official sign of a company or organization, Poster - A large printed notice, picture, or photograph, used to advertise something or as a decoration, Jingle - A short song used in advertisements, Brand - A type of product made by a particular company, that has a particular name or design, Advertising campaign - All of the advertisments such as posters, billboards transit adverts used to promote a product., Billboard - A large sign used for advertising, Community Manager - someone you hire to help you grow your business., Banner - A long, narrow advert on a website., Transit advertising - Posters on train, buses, underground, taxis, etc., Commercial - An advertisement on TV or radio.,



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