1) What is the main reason universities are shifting to online lectures for the 2020-2021 academic year? a) To provide students with more opportunities for socialisation b) To improve the quality of educational experiences c) To address the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemicc d) To reduce the cost of university education 2) According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a benefit of online learning compared to traditional university teaching? a) Improved accessibility for students with certain needs b) Greater opportunity for personalisation of learning c) Increased face-to-face interaction between students and lecturers d) More flexibility in course design and delivery 3) The passage suggests that well-designed online learning can be more satisfactory than large in-person lectures because: a) It allows students to learn at their own pace b) It provides more opportunities for peer interaction c) It reduces the cost of university education d) It gives lecturers more control over the learning process 4) Which of the following is highlighted in the passage as a key advantage of online learning in terms of clarity? a) Explicit and repeated explanations of ideas and tasks b) Reduced risk of misunderstanding due to unspoken details c) Improved ability for students to ask for clarification d) Both A and B 5) The passage states that the shift to online learning has presented some challenges in terms of: a) Improving student satisfaction with their educational experiences b) Developing appropriate teaching and learning approaches c) Ensuring equal access to online resources for all students d) All of the above 6) According to the passage, which of the following is a benefit of online learning that can help students develop important life-long skills? a) Increased independence and self-regulation in learning b) Greater opportunities for face-to-face group work c) More frequent feedback and assessment from lecturers d) Wider access to international peer networks 7) Overall, the passage presents a __________ perspective on the potential of online learning to enhance university education. a) Overly optimistic b) Highly critical c) Cautiously positive d) Indifferent


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