Ardipithecus ramidus - Very small brain size had feet adapted for arboreal climbing, Australopithecus afarensis - Mostly bipedal but still climbed into trees using flexible big toe, Paranthropus boisei - Overspecialised in eating touch nuts/vegetation and went extinct, Homo habilis - Very first tool user scavenged bone marrow , Homo ergaster - Used fire to cook food but stayed in Africa, hunted by running down animals, Homo erectus - Used fire to cook food and explore new locations outside of Africa, persistence hunter, Homo neanderthalensis - Lived in Europe, cared for elderly and burried the dead, hunted food and cooked it, lived in shelters, Homo sapiens - Used a wide range of composite tools, moved all over the world, cared for elderly and made art, developed complex speech,

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