1) The weather can greatly ________ our mood a) affect b) effect c) advice d) manage 2) I would ________ you to take some time off to relax a) affect b) advise c) advice d) control 3) I was ________ impressed by the speaker. a) especially b) quiet c) quite d) principal 4) Can you ________ the documents before you leave? a) bring b) fetch c) control d) lose 5) The ________ of the new policy was noticeable immediately. Everybody is coming on time. a) fault b) mistake c) effect d) affect 6) His ________ helped me realise I was making a big mistake. a) fault b) mistake c) advise d) advice 7) It's important to ________ your speaking skills regularly if you want to improve. a) practice b) practise c) manage d) control 8) He couldn’t ________ his anger issues during the meeting and he got the sack! a) manage b) control c) bring d) fetch 9) Can you _______ my jacket from the car? I think I left it there. a) bring b) fetch c) lose d) loose 10) She _________ some snacks for the party, but Peter was allergic to peanut butter sandwiches. a) brought b) bring c) fetch d) fetched 11) The report needs ________ revisions before submission. a) further b) farther c) especially d) specially 12) The way you presented your ideas was notable. Everybody was so impressed by your job! a) further b) farther c) especially d) specially 13) Shirley was brought up with strong ___________, so she wouldn't date somebody with a partner! a) advice b) advise c) principals d) principles 14) I can run ________ than I did last week. I think now I could enroll in a marathon! a) especially b) specially c) farther d) further 15) I made a ________ in my calculations, so now we need to pay more for the house. a) fault b) mistake c) practice d) practise 16) It wasn't my ________ that you arrive late! It was yours! You're always making excuses, ________ when we have to visit my parents. a) fault-especially b) fault - specially c) mistake - specially d) advice - specially 17) You need to ________ the terms of the agreement when acquiring a new product. a) except b) accept c) advice d) advise 18) Everyone was invited to the wedding ________ for Cristina. She argued with the bride. However, she _______ to avoid security and make a scene! a) except - managed b) accept - manage c) bring - practise d) fetch - practised 19) My shirt is too ________; I need a smaller size. Let's go shopping. a) lose b) loose c) quite d) quiet 20) Well, she sat ________ me but didn't talk. _________ that, nothing extraordinary happened during the lecture a) besides - beside b) quite - beside c) beside - besides d) besides - except



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