Are you good at learning things by HEART/MEMORY? - HEART, Have you ever not studied for an exam but PASSED/FAILED it with flying colours? - PASSED, When was the last time your parents grounded you for PASSING/FAILING a test? - FAILING, How do your teachers CONTROL/PUNISH students who misbehave? - PUNISH, Have you ever BROKEN/NEGLECTED a rule at school? - BROKEN, Would you like to WEAR/KEEP a school unifom? - WEAR, Do your parents nag about the NOTES/GRADES you get? - GRADES, How many times have you PLAYED/BEEN truant in your life? - PLAYED, What are the advantages of going to DORMITORY/BOARDING school? - BOARDING, What would your parents say if you were THROWN OUT/EXPELLED from school? - EXPELLED, What books are on the PLAN/SYLLABUS in Serbian classes this year? - SYLLABUS, Is it better to attend a traditional high school or a VOCATIONAL/SPECIFIC high school? - VOCATIONAL, Is a DETENTION/CAPTIVITY popular punishment in your school? - DETENTION,


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