Homeostasis- cells that allow maintenance and regulation to function properly, Polarization- a process of producing a positive electrical charge, Depolarization- the movement of cells potential to a more positive charge, Repolarization- change in membrane potential to a less negative charge, Summation- several electrical impulses, Hyperpolarization- cell potential becomes a negative charge, Impulse transmission- a cell at either electrical or chemical synapse, Action potential- change in electrical potential while impulses pass-through, Resting potential- electrical potential or a neuron that does not pass impulses, All or none- Gives its full potential or nothing at all, Refractory- time period in which a cell cannot repeat a particular action, Myelin- is an insulating layer, Neurilemma- outermost layer of the Schwann cell, Schwann cells- main glial cell of the peripheral nervous system, Neuron- responsible for receiving sensory input, Dendrites- the projection of a neuron, Axon- carries nerve impulses away from the cell body, Synapse- nerve impulses that pass from one nerve cell to another, Nodes of Ranvier- gapes between the myelin, left uncovered, PNS- to connect to the CNS, ANS- controls bodily functions, CNS- brain and spinal cord, Cerebrum- front of the brain which is split into two sides called central fissure, Cerebellum- back of the brain that functions to coordinate muscular activity, Medulla oblongata- the lowest part of the brain stem that controls the heart and lungs, Pons- part of the brain stem that connects to the medulla oblongata and thalamus, Brain stem- distal part of the brain that is composed of the medulla oblongata, pons and midbrain, Thalamus- is a relay between sensory and motor neurons, Hypothalamus- connects the nervous system to the endocrine system, Pituitary- growth and development of other endocrine glands, Corpus callosum- nerve fibres that join the two brain hemispheres, Longitudinal fissure- separates the two cerebral hemispheres, Neurotransmitters- chemical substance released at the end of a nerve fibre, Dopamine- neurotransmitter and your body uses it to send messages between cells, Serotonin- is a neurotransmitter that functions are to help with mood, learning, memory, Acetylcholine- functions in the brain that helps smooth muscles and dilates blood vessels, Acetylcholinesterase- a naturally occurring neurotransmitter, Interneuron- impulses between neurons, Sensory neuron- signals the brain when touching things, Motor neuron- controls motor functions in order to respond to movement, Ganglion- a cyst that forms on any part of the body, Nerve- transmits electrical impulses, Tracts- length of nerve fibers.

Biology Chapter 11 terms


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