set one's heart on sth, settle on sth, opt for sth/to do sth, vouch for sb, on state benefits, obtain a degree in sth, undertake a work placement, against all odds, make an outstanding achievement, sign up for a course, a prestigious firm, get into an elite profession, influential people, unforeseeable future, go through sth, discouragingly tough, daunting prospects, owe a fortune, a promising young specialist, obtain academic qualifications, drop out of university, embark on a career, build up an impressive CV, gain some hands-on experience , pick a fight with the system, badly performing, highly competitive, a close-knit family atmosphere, a huge weight on one's shoulders, half-heartedly, scrape through sth, waltz through sth, make a high-flying career, land a job, be awarded a scholarship, pay off a loan, take sth in one's stride, from all walks of life, crop up , be snapped up, stand sb in good stead, take exception to sth, take pride in sth, take pity on sb, make the best of sth, hand in one's resignation, take on a heavy workload, meet tight deadlines, be part and parcel of sth, take no notice of sth.

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