Saul - Roman citizen, seelcted by Jesus to work for the kingdom of God, Saul was travelling from - Jerusalem to Damascuc, A light flashed from heaven, with a voice saying - " Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?", When Saul asked :Who are you, Lord?" He got the reply - "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. But get up and enter the city and you will be told what to do.", Saul lost his - eyesight, Saul lived for 3 days in the house of - Judas, The priest who prayed for Saul and restored his eyesight was - Ananias, Saul was renamed to - Paul, Paul was murdered by the sword by - Emperor Nero in AD 67, Church celebreates the commemoration of St. Paul along with St. Peter on - June 29 every year,

Chapter 11 - Repentance of Saul


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