1) doohickey a) a gadget b) a doll c) a felt hat 2) flibbertigibbet a) a fairy b) a talkative, forgetful person c) a petticoat from the last century 3) lollapalooza a) a large lollipop b) something excellent c) a sunshade 4) ninnyhammer a) a person who cuts down small trees b) a tiny hammer c) a fool 5) ort a) a cup for rum b) a brown beetle c) a scrap of food left after a meal 6) slumgullion a) a kitchen servant b) a stew made out of meat and vegetables. c) someone who lives in a slum 7) zedonk a) half zebra, half donkey b) a large club c) a toy zebra 8) interrobang a) an interrogation method that involves physical violence. b) a short, sharp shock. c) a cross between a question mark and an exclamation mark. 9) mollify a) to mix in butter gently to a heating sauce b) to soothe or calm someone when they are angry c) to apply bright clown-like make-up 10) bucolic a) living a peaceful and perfect life in the countryside. b) an alcoholic who only drinks beer. c) trapped wind in the chest. 11) pugnacious a) to enjoy arguing and fighting b) like a pug dog c) extremely ugly 12) supercilious a) brilliant at what you do b) being arrogant and showing off c) able to flutter your eyelashes very fast


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