1) All birds lay a) eggs b) babies 2) The process by which the young one comes out of the egg is called a) Embryo b) hatching 3) The parent birds feed and care for the young ones till they are strong enough to a) Fly b) eat 4) The eggs of reptiles get warmth from the a) moon b) fire c) sun 5) The process by which a tadpole undergoes several changes to become an adult frog is known as a) metamorphosis b) embryo 6) Frogs lays eggs in water bodies a) True b) False 7) The body of reptiles are covered with hair. a) True b) False 8) The nymph of a grasshopper looks very similar to the adult grasshopper. a) True b) False 9) The egg yolk it is rich in fats, vitamins and minerals a) True b) False 10) 9) The shells of reptile eggs are _____________. a) leathery b) elastic 11) 8) The larve of a housefly are called _____________. a) embryos b) maggots 12) Which of the following do not lay eggs a) Dog b) Hen 13) Which of the following animal is a mammal? a) hen b) snake c) lion 14) Name the yellow part of the egg a) Yolk b) albumen c) Outer shell 15) The larva of a mosquito is called a) maggot b) wiggler 16) The white part of the egg is called a) Yolk b) Albumen 17) ___________does not reproduce by laying eggs. a) Hen b) Snake c) Cat 18) Most eggs have a hard outer shell which protects the growing embryo inside. a) True b) False 19) When the young animal is fully developed, it breaks open the shell of the egg and comes out by a process known as moulting. a) True b) False

Grade 4 Revision Animal reproduction


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