admirar - to admire, aguantar - to tolerate, asegurar - to assure, atraer - to attract, contratar - to contract, convenir - to be convenient, costar - to find difficult, curar - to get well, desear - to want, descartar - to eliminate, despedir - to fire, elegir - to choose, eludir - to avoid, enumerar - to list, facilitar - to make easier, fingir - to pretend, indignarse - to get angry, intuir - to sense, investigar - to investigate, latir - to beat (wings), madurar - to mature, maltratar - to mistreat, manejar - to manage, reducir - to reduce, regalar - to give a gift, rescatar - to rescue, rodear(se) - to be surrounded, sobrecogerse - to be moved, deeply affected, solucionar - to solve, sumergirse - to be submerged,

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