How do babies who haven't learnt to speak yet say "yes" and "no" when refusing something?, What can you see a very nervous speaker doing during their presentation in front of a large audience?, What may you do if you are too lazy to say "I have no clue" with words?, How will you demonstrate " Well done" or "Good job"? In what country will it look childish?,  How will you say " I don't give a damn" with your body, but no words?, What are you very likely to do if you've just stopped crying?, How can someone with a runny nose disgust people in Japan? , How does a Turk show " No"? What sounds do they accompany the expression with?, How can you wish someone " Good luck"? What country can't you use this gesture in?, What will a Japanese do when eating a bowl of noodles to demonstrate enjoyment?, What are you supposed to do when coughing? , What will you instinctively do if you are on the defensive?, After saying something, what may you do to signal that it's a joke, it's not serious?, How will you transmit the idea" I'm confused"?, How will you transmit extreme joy and satisfaction when opening a Christmas present?, How will you demonstrate that you didn't like someone's remark about you?, What will your face do once you hit your toe against a bed really hard?, How would you say "yuck" without words?, If you were a small child, how would you transmit the idea" I'm offended" , What is a good way to signal to smb that they aren't alone in the room? .

Gestures and Human Sounds: Solutions Upper-Intermediate


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