1) My sister has applied for the ____ of head human resources at a multinational company based in Berlin. a) career b) post c) profession 2) Nursing is a rewarding ___, but one which is not usually very highly paid. a) profession b) career c) post 3) It's difficult for a woman to have a successful ____ and bring up young children at the same time. a) career b) post c) profession 4) The ___ isn't fantastic- about 20,000 a year but the work is rewarding,. a) wages b) salary c) bonus d) perks 5) I'm a waiter and I get paid every Friday. The ____ aren't very high but you can earn a lot in tips if you do your job well. a) wages b) salary c) bonus d) perks 6) The company made a huge profit this year and so all the staff were given a ___ a) wages b) salary c) bonus d) perks 7) One of the ___ of this job is that I get free health insurance. a) wages b) salary c) bonus d) perks 8) The company has a _____ of nearly 600 ___ a) staff/employees b) employer/staff c) employee/staff 9) I wouldn't describe the factory owner as a very generous ___ a) employee b) employer c) staff 10) It's a great hotel and the ___ are very friendly. a) employee b) employer c) staff 11) All the managers were sent on a three-week ___ course. a) skills b) training c) qualifications 12) He left school without any ___at all. He failed all his exams. a) skills b) training c) qualifications 13) There are certain ___ you need to be a web designer, for example you need to be able to use words effectively. a) skills b) training c) qualifications

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