bang, king, gang, thing, sing, long, rang, hung, sang, rung, gong, wing, Hong Kong +2 points, King Kong can see what the gang of men did to the hut. + 3 points, It is fun to sip Tang from a cup. +1 point, I have a lot of things to hang on the pegs. +2 points, ring, lung, fang, sang, sung, hang, song, wing, Tang, rung, zing, ping-pong +2 points, Jim will have to sing the long song, "What a Wish." + 3 points, The king up on the hill will get the big ring. +2 points, She hung from the tin ring un-til she fell with a bang. +3 Points, Boom! You lost 2 points!, Kaboom! Give 1 player 2 of your points., Boom! Give each player 1 of your points., Kaboom! Give 1 player 3 of your points., Boom! Lose 3 points!, Yippee!! Take 2 points from each player!, Yippee!! Choose 1 player to get a extra turn!, Yippee!! Take 3 points from 1 other player..

Boom cards for ang, ing, ong, ung-words and sentences


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