Rhetorical question - A question designed to make your reader think/reflect that doesn't require an answer , Fact and figures - Used to support and strengthen an argument , Repetition - Saying the same word or phrase several times , Rule of three - Listing the same ideas, word or phrase three times, Emotive language - Words that are used to evoke feelings in the reader, Alliteration - Repeating the same letter sound in a sentence , Imperative verbs - Bossy verbs to command the reader , Direct address - Speaking directly to your audience using words like 'you', Adjectives - Words used to describe , Metaphors - Comparing two things by saying one is the other , Simile - Comparing two things and using 'like' or 'as', Powerful adverbs - Describes a verb, Hyperbole - Exaggeration, often with humour, Anthesis - Comparing two opposite ideas,

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