The play is ____ a non-specified suburban American town, after the war. It opens in the of the Keller home, with Joe Keller, ____ of the family, father of two boys, ____ to Kate Keller, sitting outside reading the paper alongside his friend and ____ Dr. Jim Bayliss. Keller has two sons: Chris, who works with him in the family ____ and Larry, who went ____ in the Second World War. Chris has invited Ann to the Keller to ____ to her after they have been ____ for the last few years. However, they face a problem. Kate insists that Larry is still ____She also asked Frank, their neighbor, to prepare a ____ for Larry in order to find out if the day when Larry disappeared was his favorable day.Chris and Joe believe that Larry is ____ but they are afraid to confront Kate. Chris and Joe believe that Larry is dead but they are afraid to confront Kate. However, Chris knows if she continues to believe so, he will not be ____ to marry Ann. Chris needs Joe's support and ____ to marry Annie and run away to New York City—where Annie currently lives—in order to start a new life there. Joe is ____ that Chris would consider giving up the ____ business, one that Joe has worked ____ to build up and hand over, eventually, to his son. Joe ____ to help him. In a conversation with Ann, Joe asks her to tell her father that he has a ____ for him when he comes out of ____. Joe is astounded נדהם to hear that Ann and her brother have cut off all ____ with their father. At the end of Act 1 George, Ann's ____ who is a lawyer now, calls from Columbus, where his father, Steve, is imprisoned, to tell Ann that he is coming over. Kate ____ Joe that he must be smart

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