1) What was the Renaissance a rebirth of? a) Art & Learning b) Christian Devotion c) Chivalry & Tournaments d) Good health after the plague 2) Humanists would encourage someone to a) Become a Christian monk b) Live a simple life c) Learn, read, and enjoy life d) Commit Crimes 3) What artist painted the Mona Lisa a) Michelangelo b) Leonardo da Vinci c) Botticelli d) Raphael 4) In what way did Leonardo da Vinci represent a Renaissance man? a) He was a painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist b) He was only a painter c) He lived in Itlay during the 1500's d) He challenged the church by writing the 95 Theses 5) The best synonym for secular is a) New b) Humane c) Worldly d) Religious 6) The technique known as perspective is most useful in the creation of  a) Drama b) Sculpture c) Two-Dimensional art d) The sonnet form in poetry 7) A person who produces work "in the vernacular" is one who a) Relies on realism b) Uses only natural light c) Uses a verse form of writing d) Writes in a local, rather than a classical, language 8) What kind of person represents the ideal of the "Renaissance man"?  a) Someone who enjoyed worldly pleasures b) Someone who excelled in many areas of study c) Someone who specialized in a particular field of study d) Someone who supported and appreciated the arts without creating art 9) For what is the Medici family famous? a) For being artists b) For being writers c) For being rulers and supporters of the arts d) For being religious reformers 10) The intellectual and cultural movement known as humanism arose from the study of a) Medieval scholarship b) Original Christian writings c) Classical Greek and Roman Culture d) The contributions of the Tang and Song dynasties 11) What book did Machiavelli write about how to be a powerful ruler? a) Tao Te Ching b) The Agony & The Ecstacy c) The Prince d) Hamlet 12) Martin Luther protested the Catholic church by doing what? a) Boycotting all church services b) Creating a new church called the Martinian Church c) Nailing the 95 Theses to his church door d) Mailing letters to the Pope 13) Luther protested the practice of selling indulgences. What was that practice? a) Clerfy members bought them to get higher offices b) Selling pardons or forgiveness for sins c) It allowed people to practice any religion d) Indulgences permitted priests to marry and have children 14) Who declared himself the head of the English Church a) Henry VII b) John Knox c) Martin Luther d) Emperor Charles V 15) What was one of John Calvin's major teachings? a) Humanism b) Adult Baptism c) Indulgences d) Predestination 16) Which English king had 6 wives because of his desire for a male heir? a) Phillip II b) Richard III c) Henry VII d) Elizabeth I 17) Which of the following was one of Luther's beliefs? a) Men and women are naturally sinful b) Christians needed to be baptized again as adults c) Good works are required for salvation d) All people with faith were equal 18) What was the main reason for Henry VII's with the Roman Catholic Church? a) His religious beliefs b) His desire for a male heir c) His treatment of Catherine of Aragon d) His unwillingness to pay Church Taxes 19) Which of the following was agreed upon at the Council of Trent? a) The church's interpretation of the Bible was final b) Selling indulgences was an appropriate practice c) Local priests had to originate the process of excommunication d) Church and state be seperate 20) Which of the following was a major reason for the Reformation? a) European merchants resented paying taxes to the Church in Rome b) The Church was threatining to excommunicate the king of France c) The pope in Rome insisted on speaking only Latin d) Martin Luther said he could interpret the Bible rather than the pope.

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