1) She didn`t eat but she drank ... water. a) little b) a little 2) Last night I wrote ... letters. a) few b) a few 3) Can I have ... milk in my coffee, please? a) a little b) little 4) There is a church, a shop and ... houses in the small village.  a) few  b) a few 5) I speak ... Spanish. a) a little b) little 6) We`re going away for ... days. a) a few b) few 7) I drink very ... coffee. I don`t like it. a) little b) a little 8) There wasn`t much furniture in the room - just a table and ... chairs. a) few b) a few 9) There was ... food in the fridge a) little b) a little 10) I speak ... words of Spanish. a) a few b) few 11) There is very ... rain in summer.  a) a little b) little 12) She`s very thin because she eats very ... . a) little b) a little 13) There were ... people in the park, it was empty. a) a few b) few 14) We`ve got very ... time. a) little b) a little 15) There are very ... hotels in this town, it`s difficult to find a place to stay in.  a) few b) a few 16) They have ... money but they`re not poor.  a) little b) a little 17) She makes very ... mistakes. a) a few b) few 18) He does ... work. He is very lazy. a) little b) a little 19) They`re not rich but they`ve got ... money - enough to live.  a) a little b) little 20) Last night I went to a restaurant with ... friends. a) a few b) few 21) There are very ... tables in a small restaurant. a) a few b) few 22) They have ... money, they are very poor. a) little b) a little 23) I`ve got ... friends, so I`m not lonely. a) a few b) few 24) Unfortunately, there are ... good programmes on TV.  a) a few b) few 25) I can`t decide now - I need ... time to think about it.  a) a little b) little 26) I`m sad and lonely, I`ve got ... friends. a) a few b) few 27) He`s not well-known, ... people heard of him. a) a few b) few 28) John went away ... days ago. a) a few b) few

Few/a few, little/a little


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