nofio - to swim, coginio - to cook, golchi - to wash, ymolchi - to wash (person), gweithio - to work, tacluso - to tidy up, ymlacio - to relax, gyrru - to drive, treulio - to spend (time), defnyddio - to use, deffro - to awaken, codi - to get up/lift, helpu - to help, ysgrifennu - to write, gwylio - to watch, dysgu - to teach, cysgu - to sleep, gwisgo - to wear/dress, bwyta - to eat, colli - to lose, penderfynu - to decide, canu - to sing, credu - to believe, teimlo - to feel, cofio - to remember, anghofio - to forget, stopio - to stop, ffeindio - to find, torri - to break, cwympo - to fall, cwyno - to complain, ychwanegu - to add, cytuno - to agree, anghytuno - to disagree, eistedd - to sit, edrych - to look, siarad - to speak, darllen - to read, gofyn - to ask, ateb - to answer, chwarae - to play, deall - to understand, digwydd - to happen, ymarfer - to practise, symud - to move, yfed - to drink, clywed - to hear, cerdded - to walk, rhedeg - to run, gweld - to see, ymweld â - to visit (with), gwario - to spend (£), prynu - to buy, gwerthu - to sell, cynilo - to save (£), talu - to pay, siopa - to shop, meddwl - to think, gwrando ar - to listen to, rhoi - to give/put, aros - to wait/stay, cyrraedd - to arrive, gadael - to leave, gorffen - to finish, dweud - to say, ennill - to win, dechrau - to start, mwynhau - to enjoy, mynd - to go, dod - to come, gwneud - to do/make, cael - to have , bod - to be, gallu - to be able to, eisiau - to want, gwybod - to know, hoffi - to like, casau - to hate, angen - to need, byw - to live,


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