1) In what phase does DNA make a copy of itself? a) Prophase b) Interphase c) Metaphase d) Anaphase e) Telophase f) Cytokinesis 2) In what phase does DNA become visible chromosomes?  a) Prophase b) Interphase c) Metaphase d) Anaphase e) Telophase f) Cytokinesis 3) In what phase does the cell split completely to form two new daughter cells?  a) Prophase b) Interphase c) Metaphase d) Anaphase e) Telophase f) Cytokinesis 4) In what phase do chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell?  a) Prophase b) Interphase c) Metaphase d) Anaphase e) Telophase f) Cytokinesis 5) In what phase do two new nuclei form, and the cell begin to pinch apart?  a) Prophase b) Interphase c) Metaphase d) Anaphase e) Telophase f) Cytokinesis 6) In what phase do chromatids move to opposite ends of the cell?  a) Prophase b) Interphase c) Metaphase d) Anaphase e) Telophase f) Cytokinesis


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