1) Tim .............................. all that mess, not me. a) did b) had done c) has done d) have done 2) What ............................ (you/do) at 5 yesterday? a) did you do b) have you been doing c) have you done d) were you doing 3) The ........................ is a place where you can buy some magazines. a) estate agent's b) greengrocer's c) butcher's d) newsagent's 4) If it ............................... rainy tomorrow, we won't go for a walk. a) is b) will be c) was d) were 5) "I don't like you!" she said. She said that ......................................... a) I don't like her b) she doesn't like me c) she didn't like me d) she didn't liked me 6) They are cleaning our school. ---> Our school ................................ a) is cleaned b) is been cleaned c) is cleaning d) is being cleaned 7) I dropped my lunch on the floor and everyone laughed. I was so ................................. a) disgusted b) over the Moon c) delighted d) embarrassed 8) She always tells other people what to do. She's so ............................ a) charming b) protective c) bossy d) fancy 9) I'm .......................... on sports, such as football and volleyball. a) keen b) interested c) into d) fond 10) My illness is very serious and dangerous. It is ..................... . a) astonishing b) severe c) hopeless d) enormous 11) We've got ..................... flour. You don't need to go to the shop. a) little b) a little c) few d) a few 12) Can I ......................... this gorgeous dress from you? I'll give it back tomorrow, I promise. a) borrow b) lend c) have d) make 13) Look out for that mountain! It's very ..................... a) steep b) low c) sharp d) horrible 14) I've got terrible rash. It's so .................. that I can't stop scratching my whole body. a) painful b) contagious c) itchy d) dizzy 15) If I pet my cat, it may ...................... loudly. a) hiss b) bark c) neigh d) purr 16) My brother's room is too ..................... . He should get rid of many things. a) cosy b) cluttered c) spacious d) tiny 17) The doctor gave me a ............................. so I have to go to the chemist's now. a) bill b) receipt c) prescription d) recipe 18) I feel so dizzy and weak. I feel as if I'm going to .................. . Please, hold me! a) fall asleep b) sneeze c) lower d) faint 19) Please, ......................... this icon from my desktop. I don't need it here. a) revise b) reply c) remove d) replace 20) A doctor who performs operations is called a(n) ................................ a) accountant b) operationist c) bodysnatcher d) surgeon 21) Czy podobała Ci się dzisiejsza gra? a) Dramat b) Żałosne c) Mogłam lepiej spędzić ten czas d) Jasne, łatwo


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