1. There are 10 red hearts and some pink hearts in a pile. There are 20 hearts in a pile. How many hearts are pink?, 2. There are 18 fish swimming in the pond. The fisherman catches some fish. Now there are 7 fish in the pond. How many fish got caught?, 3. There are 12 cherry lollipops and 9 grape lollipops. How many more cherry lollipops are there than grape?, 4. There are 6 cookies on a plate. Tamara put some more cookies on the plate. Now there are 13 cookies. How many cookies did Tamara put on the plate? , 5. There are 11 black pens and 8 blue pens in the drawer. How many less blue pens are in the drawer than black pens?, 6. There are 8 purple grapes and some green grapes in the bowl. There are 16 grapes in the bowl. How many green grapes are in the bowl?, 7. There are 17 chocolate candies in a dish. You eat some. Now there are 5 candies left. How many candies did you eat?, 8. Raphael has 14 small marbles and 4 big marbles. How many more small marbles does he have than big marbles?, 9. There are only 3 stickers left. Mrs. Horner bought more at the store. Now there are 19 stickers. How many stickers did Mrs. Horner buy?, 10. There are 9 bottles of glue and 15 glue sticks. How many less bottles of glue are there than glue sticks?, 11. There are 17 boxes of eggs. 10 boxes have white eggs and the rest have brown eggs. How many boxes have brown eggs?, 12. There are 15 bananas left at the store. You buy some of the bananas. Now there are 12 bananas left. How many bananas did you buy?, 13. There are 13 bottles of strawberry water and 5 bottles of peach water. How many more bottles of strawberry water are there than peach?, 14. There are 7 dogs at the park. Some more dogs come. Now there are 14 dogs at the park. How many more dogs came to the park?, 15. There are 16 red shirts and 8 yellow shirts. How many less yellow shirts are there than red shirts?, 16. There are 18 cupcakes on the plate. Some of the cupcakes get eaten. There are only 5 cupcakes left. How many cupcakes got eaten?.

Problem Solving Task Cards


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