1) to do sth. one really like on one’s own. a) enjoy yourself b) remind yourself c) help yourself d) see yourself 2) to learn what one truly values and wants in life a) see yourself b) look at yourself c) find yourself d) remind yourself 3) help your own. a) remind yourself b) help yourself c) look at yourself d) tell yourself 4) to look at you. a) think to yourself b) tell yourself c) wake myself up d) look at yourself 5) to remember sth. without an external stimulus. a) look at you b) tell yourself c) remind yourself d) see yourself 6) look at something with one's own eyes. a) see yourself b) remind yourseld c) enjoy yourself d) help yourself 7) to persuade yourself that something is true a) see yourself b) tell yourself c) wake myself up d) enjoy yourself 8) to think inside but don’t talk. a) help yourself b) remind yourself c) look at your self d) think to yourself 9) to wake up without help or external stimulus. a) enjoy yourself b) see yourself c) wake yourself up d) tell yourself

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