
Základní škola Anglický jazyk Halloween


10,000+个符合‘základní škola anglický halloween’的搜索结果

Délka not (celá, půlová s tečkou, půlová, čtvrťová)
Délka not (celá, půlová s tečkou, půlová, čtvrťová) 随堂测验
Halloween quiz (H7)
Halloween quiz (H7) 随堂测验
Halloween unscramble
Halloween unscramble 拼字游戏
Halloween 标记图表
Clothes 匹配游戏
Halloween - English
Halloween - English 匹配游戏
Halloween - čeština
Halloween - čeština 匹配游戏
Food 4th
Food 4th 匹配游戏
Ordinal numbers 5th
Ordinal numbers 5th 匹配游戏
Člen a/an Project 1.
Člen a/an Project 1. 随堂测验
Will or going to?
Will or going to? 完成句子
Clothes Chit Chat 1
Clothes Chit Chat 1 匹配游戏
Numbers 0-20 3rd
Numbers 0-20 3rd 匹配游戏
Food 3rd
Food 3rd 配对游戏
Explore Together - Unit 2
Explore Together - Unit 2 匹配游戏
Starter Unit: Superstars - doplň bubliny
Starter Unit: Superstars - doplň bubliny 标记图表
C-U 按组分配
U7: Parts of body + face
U7: Parts of body + face 标记图表
Adverbs 随堂测验
Clothes 3rd
Clothes 3rd 匹配游戏
Time - introduction 5th
Time - introduction 5th 匹配游戏
Present simple - 3rd person singular
Present simple - 3rd person singular 随堂测验
Instructions revision Project 1.
Instructions revision Project 1. 句子排列
Pronunciation of -ED (past simple)
Pronunciation of -ED (past simple) 按组分配
U9: Food - flash cards
U9: Food - flash cards 闪存卡
The Rainbow 3rd
The Rainbow 3rd 标记图表
U7: Chant Body Rap - UČ str. 34
U7: Chant Body Rap - UČ str. 34 标记图表
Coloured numbers 0-10 3rd
Coloured numbers 0-10 3rd 随机轮盘
Animals Project 2
Animals Project 2 匹配游戏
Questions in Present Continuous
Questions in Present Continuous 句子排列
To be - affirmative.
To be - affirmative. 随堂测验
Revision Lesson 1 Chit Chat 1.
Revision Lesson 1 Chit Chat 1. 随机卡
Present Simple or Continuous.
Present Simple or Continuous. 随堂测验
Adverbs of Frequency - How often do you...?
Adverbs of Frequency - How often do you...? 随机卡
Used to
Used to 随机卡
NUMBERS 13-100
NUMBERS 13-100 拼字游戏
Starter unit: Superstars - kvíz
Starter unit: Superstars - kvíz 随堂测验
Time - quarter hour 4th
Time - quarter hour 4th 匹配游戏
Crossword 0-10 3rd
Crossword 0-10 3rd 找词游戏
Easter traditions around the World
Easter traditions around the World 匹配游戏
Christmas hangman
Christmas hangman 猜字游戏
Farm animals 4th
Farm animals 4th 匹配游戏
Halloween 匹配游戏
To be
To be 随堂测验
Modal verbs B1 - Must/mustn't/have to/don't have to/don't need to/needn't/should/shouldn't
Modal verbs B1 - Must/mustn't/have to/don't have to/don't need to/needn't/should/shouldn't 随堂测验
The beach
The beach 拼字游戏
Chit chat 1 - Pets
Chit chat 1 - Pets 拼字游戏
NUMBERS 0 to 20
NUMBERS 0 to 20 随堂测验
Is there...?/Are there...? - short answers
Is there...?/Are there...? - short answers 随堂测验
U2: What's in the house - místnosti
U2: What's in the house - místnosti 拼字游戏
BARVY 寻找匹配项
U2: Prepositions - in, on, under, behind
U2: Prepositions - in, on, under, behind 随堂测验
Subject and Object Pronouns
Subject and Object Pronouns 翻卡片
U2: Prepositions - in, on, under, behind
U2: Prepositions - in, on, under, behind 匹配游戏
Personal Pronouns kvíz
Personal Pronouns kvíz 随堂测验
Christmas 拼字游戏
Possessive pronouns2
Possessive pronouns2 寻找匹配项
Second Conditional sentences - unjumble
Second Conditional sentences - unjumble 句子排列
Project 1 - Unit 3C (animals)
Project 1 - Unit 3C (animals) 匹配游戏
Halloween Chit Chat 1.
Halloween Chit Chat 1. 匹配游戏