What did you wear yestreday?, Have you ever got to the supermarket checkout and found you didn't have enough money?, What were the last clothes you bought?, What's the first thing you take off when you get home?, Do you always try on clothes before you buy them?, Have you ever tried to change something without the receipt? Were you successful?, Have you ever worn something only once? When did you wear it?, Have you ever accidentally taken something from a shop without paying?, Have you ever lost your credit card? Whare did you lose it?, Have you ever been in a fancy dress? What did you wear?, Have you ever met someone who was wearing exactly the same as you?How did you feel?, Have you ever bought something and never worn it? Why didn't you wear it?, Have you ever ruined clothes in the washing machine? What happened?, Have you ever had an argument with a shop assistant? What was it about?, Have you ever bought or sold anything online? Did you get a good price?, Have you ever bought something online and had a problem? What was it?.




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