boycott - a planned group who refuses to buy for a reason. , fulfill - to carry out or finish, injustice - a lack of justice and fairness, mistreated - when someone is treated badly by others, qualified - describes someone who has the ability to something, registered - someone who has his or her name placed on a list., assigned - When something is given out as a task, generously - a willingness or happiness to share in an unselfish way., gingerly - to do something with extreme caution, mature - show qualities of being an adult, organization - groups of people who are joined for a purpose., residents - people who live in a particular place., scattered - to be spread to thrown around, selective - when you are careful at making choices, address - formal speech, divide - separated into parts, hasty - done with quickness, opposed - against, perish - to disappear or vanish, proclamation - official announcement, shattered - completely destroyed , broken into may pieces, tension - emotionally strained,





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